Wellness Ur Way was founded by Dr. Fiona Macken & Nicola Shannon.
Both on their own journeys but united by a passion for mindfulness & meditation having experienced first hand how it can support you with stress, anxiety, overwhelm & many of life's other struggles.
Together they are on a wellness journey & committed to supporting you on yours.
Meet The Team
Nicola is a fully trained and qualified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher, completing her training with The Institute of Mindfulness Based Approaches.
She has completed trainings in Emotional Freedom technique {EFT}, Connected Kids, Angel and Crystal healing and Nicola also is a Reiki Practitioner.
She has 15 years experience in pharmacy as a Pharmacy Technician and a Manager .
Nicola offers Reiki Healing, both in person and distance healing.
She also has sessions available in Emotional Freedom Technique, a wonderful anxiety tool.
Nicola also runs our Wellness For Kids sessions offering mindfulness and coping skills for life for children, their guardians & teens. Nicola is fully qualified & Garda vetted for her work. She provides support in areas such as sleeping, fears, worries, expressing feelings, identifying emotions, confidence, making friends, anxiety, relaxation & regulation. She provides audios for the child to use personalised to them. Nicola also offers this programme to schools.

Fiona is a Doctor and Mindfulness Teacher who works with adults, teenagers and children to help and advise on ways to cope with mental health issues, everyday stresses and strains through one to one personalised programmes, classes and workshops .
Fiona trained as a Doctor in Trinity College Dublin qualifying as a Doctor in 1997.
She then trained as a General Practitioner and achieved her Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners in 2003. Fiona trained with the Institute of Mindfulness Based Approaches and achieved her Certificate in Mindfulness Based Approaches in 2015.
Fiona has also trained in Neurolinguistic Programming, Positive Neuroplasticity and The Polyvagal Theory of Stress and Life Coaching.
Fiona has also suffered from depressive episodes since her early twenties.
All these things are a great skillset in helping people learn to get the most out of life .

Our Beliefs
We understand the science behind why and how mindfulness and meditation work.
We know first hand how beneficial meditation and mindfulness can be in daily life, having been introduced to them through our own life struggles.
We are committed to helping you find what mindfulness and self-care techniques will help you in your everyday life.
We are committed to our professional development & keeping up to date with wellness so we can continue to share our learnings with you.
We believe different techniques work for different people and it is important to find "your way" of developing a regular practice that suits your life.
Our Story
Dr Fiona Macken and Nicola Shannon both came to meditation, mindfulness, and self-care through their own suffering. Dr. Fiona suffered from depression for most of her adult life and found when she did her first 8-week Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course that there was wellness within, she just had to know how to access it.
Nicola having suffered from anxiety found the same healing in MBSR and also began to see that the healing and wellness lay within if we could just learn how to access it. Both believe in this wellness coming from within but also believe in traditional methods of treating mental health issues with medication, psychological input, and wellness techniques. They believe that all methods complement each other.
Dr. Fiona works as a GP, a Primary Care Physician and Nicola works as a pharmacy technician so they both see the daily stresses and strains that go on in people’s lives. They have both completed an 18-month training with the Institute of Mindfulness-Based Approaches and are certified in these Mindfulness-based approaches. They have also completed Connected Kids training and are certified to teach mindfulness and meditation to children.
Dr. Fiona has also completed training with Dr. Rick Hanson in positive Neuroplasticity and Deb Dana in the polyvagal theory of stress. She is currently undertaking a certificate in NLP or neurolinguistic programming and A Year of Polyvagal Theory. She is constantly looking deeper and for more evidence and research regarding what works for stress. How can we help people to cope with their everyday lives and live their best life possible!!
Nicola has trained as a Reiki healer and is also an EFT therapist. Emotional freedom technique/EFT or more commonly known as tapping is a technique where we tap on acupressure points around the body to release blocked emotions caused by past trauma or upset, difficult situations, stress, or limiting self-beliefs. Tapping gets to the root of the issue. Tapping has been described as Acupuncture without the needles and is a wonderful anxiety tool.
They are both so excited to be sharing their knowledge and expertise to help empower you with skills and tools to use in your own life for your own self-care and to find wellness your way!

mindfulness based
stress reduction
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction is a program founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn. This eight week course aims to improve emotional well-being and reduce stress and anxiety.
Over the course of the 8 weeks, participants are thought ways to recognise habitual, automatic reactions that may not serve them well and to respond to their own thoughts and emotions in a less judgemental and more compassionate way.
Mindfulness means being fully aware in the present moment, without trying to change anything. Learning to accept what is, while looking at different ways to deal with difficulties.
Contact us to register your interest in our next intake of participants.